

Musings From Down Under has moved to WordPress.

The new address is:

See you there! : )


Perfect Lights

I humbly look up to You
In sheer wonderment,
Staring at the skies both day and night.
The daylight sky decorated with perfect colour;
Vibrant bursts of sunlight
Until the twilight meets the darkness.
What an immeasurable magnificence
When the moon climbs its way,
Spreading its light across the universe
To shine upon the sheep.



From their divine castles
To where the land is still
Until the morning fills up the sky
Excited fairies skip in song and dance
To capture a halo of delight and love.
And when the night shall be gone
They will sleep and sleep gently
In angel's Palms
Until the day is night…


He Created

The gift of God is life.
Everything He does, He does for us.
It all began so long ago,
So very far away.
The light in the land,
The flowing of the river.
The desert came
And forests grew.
The sun began to shine,
Man was given the breath of life.
Our hearts lighted with fire
Burned within us ~
God's love began to grow.
He sang, He rejoiced ~
He created love.

Originally written 23/3/88