
Let God

To the followers
Who find attractiveness
In their possessions
And utter to their idols
Fearing disappointment
And doubt:
Walk away.
Take the step forward,
Secure yourself in God;
Let the battle begin.
Draw strength
And see the vision
Which waits you.
Do not be beaten ~
Come alive with faith!
Fill your hearts,
Let love;
Let God.


At 12.12.06, Blogger jel said...

hi Carol,
than you for stopping by,if I could send you some snow I would have, it is all melted now,

and will be in the 60's this week

cool poem here :)

have a great day,
and Merry Christmas

At 12.12.06, Blogger Saija said...

well since jel can't send snow - i definitely am able to fill that order! :o)

love poem and the thoughts are definitely worth pondering over!


At 14.12.06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for this


At 15.12.06, Blogger Keith Wallis said...

Nice one.

At 17.12.06, Blogger Francine Biere said...

A timely message for this time of year. I love how you very simply point to our weaknesses and the encourage us to focus on God.


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