
Unending and Beyond

The treasury of ancient trees
Tall and majestic timber
Their unending beauty
Created centuries ago
Reaching high in the
Direction of the heavens
Extending and stretching
Anticipating beyond


At 14.10.06, Blogger Unknown said...

Like Anne (of Green Gables), I am a tree "worshipper." So strong, unique, and lovely all at the same time, are trees. Their upward reach should ever be ours!

At 15.10.06, Blogger Carol said...

I can remember my Grandmother reciting a poem about trees, which got me..When we visited the redwood forest in Sanfrancisco hmm think it was called Meir Woods..I was awe struck with the sheer height and width of them , I had to lie on the ground to see the top of them.. I always tend to imagine when I see trees at this height who and what was here when they were just saplings...the same goes for the saplings I see, what will be here in 100+ years..


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